Meet baby Stella. Isn't she stunning? I mean, seriously? Those eyes. Those lips. Those cheeks. Yum! Little Stella could not be any more gorgeous and she was truly a pleasure to photograph. I have loved, and I mean LOVED, babies my entire life. Everything about them makes me squeal. The way the smell, the way they laugh, the way they cry. I could just kiss them and their chubby cheeks all day long, to the point of smothering them to death- well, that may be a little extreme but you get the point. I love babies and this little cutie was no exception. Here are a few of my favorites.
Here is one of Stella with mom and dad :)
You're amazing kelsey! And you were so great with stella! I can't wait to see the rest of them! Thank you so much -Tiff
ReplyDeleteThese are precious Kels! I can't wait for you to shoot Emma's!!